Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dust bubby

I asked Justababy what she was doing in the dirt here:


Meanwhile, on a planet far, far away (just out of camera shot), Boy wants to find a way to fly.

Must dash, parachutes to build.

Friday, March 23, 2012

How far from the tree do the apples fall?

Boy often complains about his dinner. Tonight it was "disgusting".

He demands something else. And if I don't jump right to it, he declares "I'll just get something for myself!"

He's started sneaking food at dinner time. Tonight Daddy confiscated an apple before we managed to get him to sit down and eat his dinner.

Boy: Why do I need to stop sneaking food?
Me: Because we give you good food for dinner and you need to eat it before you can have other food.
Boy: But apples are healthy.
Me: Yes, they are, but you still need to eat your dinner first.
Boy: Well you should just give me apples for dinner.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Fire power

Boy: I'm much better at hunting scary animals than those kids in that book!
Me: Which book?
Boy: The Bear Hunt book.
Me: And you're better?
Boy: Yeah! Because I have proper guns!