Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Archimedes Principle (sort of) and the Boy's Theory of Relativity

I like to bucket water from the kids' nightly bath out onto the pot plants. It makes me feel like I've done something constructive with my day.
One day I was trying to take advantage of Justababy's naptime by doing just this, but Boy wanted me to stop and play. I explained I just needed to finish emptying the bath first. can just pull the plug out, you know. *

Then I tried explaining about time - specifically the need to complete tasks within set time frames. Boy was unimpressed.

But...mummy... time isn't real, you know. It's just imaginary. *

*Imagine this in your best god-she's-so-silly tone of voice

Backseat Driver 2

Grandma: Boy, you were very quiet in the car on the way here.
Boy: Yes, I was watching Granddad to make sure he used the proper controls and pedals. 

Stay tuned - I'll ask him when he gets home whether Granddad passed the test.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mummy meanest

This happened quite some time ago, before Boy could talk quite so well..

My brother was visiting - let's call him Uncle P - he comes and goes a fair bit. One day he popped his head round the doorway and said "I've done something a bit silly"... He then produced a small animal cage.
I thought: ****!! He's bought a dog. (He'd threatened to before, and once called from the pet store - barking dogs in background - saying "I'm going to do it!").

But no. It was worse.

He'd bought a ferret. (I'm not keen on ferrets, are you? Apparently some people like them.)

Anyway, he then disappeared off to work somewhere for a few weeks. After a day or two, it occurred to me that perhaps I should feed the ferret something. I didn't know what ferrets eat and rather than consulting google, I thought: Maybe they like cat food. I know it's palatable to dogs and cockroaches at least.

As Boy was keen to be helpful and just getting the gist of following instructions I asked him to go round the corner to the kitchen and bring me back 2 pieces of cat food. (He could count to 2 - so proud!)

Well I heard some rustling in the cat bowl, then he reappeared around the corner... with nothing in his hand. But he did have a rather odd expression on his face - something like a cross between Ugh and Why-would-my-mummy-do-this-to-me?.

He was swishing something around in his mouth.


Poor love must have thought I was a very mean mummy telling him to eat cat food. I pulled the biscuits out and reassured him that I didn't really want him eating it. I asked if he liked it and got an emphatic No for answer.

He did correctly pick up two pieces though. :D

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Boy versus Wild Baby

Boy spent this morning making a baby trap for Justababy to live in.
"And that will keep the family safe"

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bit of a worry

Boy is staying with his grandparents. My mum called this evening to share:

Boy was in the kitchen at his grandparent's place having some dinner, with Tony Abbot on in the background saying he disapproved of gay marriage. Grandma and Grandad think it's a complete non-issue and said so. Boy says: Well, I don't like it. It worries me.

Seriously WTF....

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A bone to pick

Boy: Mummy, can you come please? I need your help with something.
Me: Ok. What's up?
Boy: Well, you see, there's a Tasteosaurus in the way here.
Me: A Tasteosaurus, huh? What's that then?
Boy: A Tasteosaurus is a kind of dinosaur that steals people's taste buds. But it's in the way. And we need to find a way to make it dead.
Me: Right.
Boy: Oh, I can use this ball to hit it. And make its bones go crunch.
Me: Ok.
Boy: [smacking ground with ball] CRUNCH! And now the meat is coming off them.