Monday, September 19, 2011

The unbearable grossness of sharing

Mummy! Can you please wash this for me?
It's a bit gross. It's got baby slobber on it and that's gross

Boy is still getting the hang of sharing with his sister.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Like a Boy in a tool shop

Boy: Do tigers have bones?
Me: Yes. All animals have bones...
Boy: No they don't. Jellyfish don't have bones.

Sometimes I'm honestly not sure whether I should be proud of how sharp he is.... or annoyed at how sharp he is.

Today we went vacuum shopping. 'Mummy needs a new vacuum cleaner 'cos hers is broken' (Daddy broke it) he proudly announced to anyone who might (not) be interested.
Boy was eying off the Dysons: Can we get one of those funny looking ones? That's the one I want.

Afterwards Boy was promised a trip to the tool shop. Trying Behaviour Modification Tactic #3, Daddy offered Boy a biccie in the car.

No thank you. They have food at Bunnings.

Friday, September 16, 2011

It's Huckle time. Can't rhyme this


Huckle Cat, Huckle Cat
What did you do?
I'm reading a newspaper, here on the loo.
Huckle Cat, Huckle Cat
What did you there?
I told you already, now don't stand and stare

Huckle Cat, Huckle Cat
What did you break?
I broke a plant that was growing dead.
Because Mother Cat's plant was growing dead.
I was growing in the tree dead.
So Father Cat had to buy some bougainvillea to go over the fence.
'Cos that's what Father Cat had to do. He bought an orange bougainvililillea

Justababy: Woo Woo Woo

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Handy Boy

Check out the gear on this utility belt.*

*Please ignore grubby face and crappy backyard.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A screw loose

I gonna fix it tomorrow. Yes, I gonna screw it up tomorrow.

We got Boy a tool set for his birthday.

He's quite handy with the Phillip's head screwdriver.

We keep finding screws all over the place. We have no idea where they've come from.

We hope nothing important will fall apart.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Working Boy

Boy: [shaking money box] I need some more money!
Me: What do you need money for?
Boy: I need to buy Creamit Monkey* some ice cream and chocolate. He's been very helpful.
Me: Really? How has he been helpful?
Boy: Uuuummmmm. Weeellll. He is waiting for his ice cream and chocolate.
Me: Hmmmm.
Boy: Briiiing briiing. Briiiiing briiiiing. [mimes picking up a phone] Oh, it's Creamit Monkey and he is waiting for his ice cream and chocolate. I have to go and buy him some.
Me: Ok.
Boy: But I need more money first!
Me: [sigh] Maybe you could do some chores to earn money. You know, like daddy goes to work to earn money.
Boy: Oh yes. I would be happy to earn some money. [goes to computer desk and starts thumping on the keyboard] See. Mummy I am earning money now!

* My best attempt at transliteration