Tuesday, February 26, 2013


The other day, Granddad and I were watching a Dr Who marathon - second Dr, black and white, state of the art special effects. Boy was not impressed, and since he weren't going to put something on that would be good for him*, he demanded that his toys and craft stuff be moved into another room. Peering round the corner, he would dash in during the ad breaks to get some more paper (and complain again about Silly Old Dr Who, I hate that show).

A little while later, he leapt into the room brandishing a small torch**, which he flashed at the screen a couple of times, then, muttering to himself he ran off again. His plan was foiled.

Next, he came out with a plastic screw jammed on to the end of a plastic screw driver which he flicked off at the TV screen. It also didn't work and his invention would have been confiscated if he hadn't scampered off right away.

Finally, he resorted to sign writing.

Look Mummy, this says: One, Two. No TV! That means you have to turn off this silly old TV show and let me watch some kiddy TV.

His sign read:


We pointed out that it was a bit backwards. He insisted it was correct, you just have to read it this way. We countered with an explanation of how English is read.

He sighed.

Mummy. It's a code. That's why it's written that way.

*Sometimes he rather magnanimously suggests we find something that everyone likes. Which is just his way of saying: Something I like.

**It's funny, because his "TV-off" invention bore remarkable similarity to the weapons taped to the arms of the Ice Warriors.

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