Tuesday, April 24, 2012

And stay out!!!!

Some time ago, Boy suggested writing a sign for his toy room* saying "No babies allowed".

I pointed out that babies can't read. (Boy also can't write, so perhaps it doesn't matter anyway.)

Recently he has taken an interest in those signs with big red circles and lines through them....

This is now adorning his play room door:

It is, of course, a picture of a baby messing with his stuff, with a big circle around it and a line through it.

*NO! It's his workshop

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Boss Boy

Boy intends to be Boss of the World when he grows up. Actually he's already filling the position in an acting capacity, I think. And of course there has to be one, mummy, otherwise how else would everyone know what to do?

Well, some of us like to make our own decisions.
Boy doesn't like that idea.

At the playground he came to me, quite perturbed, as another boy had pushed him (yes, pushed!) because he had "ruined his game".
So, this boy did't like you ruining his game?
Yes, but, he pushed me.
So.... maybe you shouldn't have ruined his game?
Yes, but, mummy, you have to come and fight with him.

Yeah. I don't think so.

Amazing news

Boy had his BFF from school over the other day. His little mate is obsessed with the Titanic, while Boy is obsessed with emergency & rescue workers (amongst other things).
So, naturally, they fished from the top of his play tower for wreckage from the post-iceberg Titanic.

They had some rather exciting finds....

Later in the day, Boy "telephone-called" his grandmother to tell her this important news and instruct her in what she needed to do.

This is her "work":

All media outlets have been notified of the amazing find of penis and bone parts  - of Titanic victims. Truly remarkable that it was found inland quite some distance - and continents and oceans -from anywhere close to where Titanic ever journeyed.............and that is was scientifically identified by two 4 year olds!

The world is gob smacked!

Yes. Penis.*

Really I don't know why.

*Could have been worse.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Fat dadda

Daddy was sitting at the computer when Boy approached.

Boy: Daddy.... What is your chest fat doing there?! [pointing to the place where Daddy met the computer desk*]
Daddy: That's not my chest.... I do have a big belly, though. I should exercise more.
Boy: [looks thoughtful for a moment] Yes. You should exercise more.

*Daddy is quite certain his belly was not touching the desk. There was at least a millimetre of t-shirt fold in between.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

On the nose

Boy wanted to sleep outside tonight. We managed to convince him it wouldn't be a great idea without a tent - what with being eaten alive by mosquitos and all.

We've now segued into camping out in his play room. No worries. But not every night, because then it wouldn't be special.

Boy: Hmmm. So can I sleep with Justababy and you? Then that will keep sleeping in the play room special.
Me: Yes, but, Justababy wakes up a lot. You wouldn't get much sleep.
Boy: That's ok mummy. I can sleep through noise.
Me: Ummmmm. But then I won't have much room with two wriggly little kids. What about sleeping with daddy.
Boy: Yes, that's a good idea. Because I can sleep through smelly things, too.

I think I can fly

Boy is quite intent on building a flying machine. He had me help him test the latest version out. This involved him climbing on a small plastic chair while I pulled on a plastic shopping bag with a ball in it. He then counted down from one to three and jumped.

Nup. Needs more adjustment.

As he explained to his daddy:
I want to fly. But I just keep falling on my nose.