Boy: [shaking money box] I need some more money!
Me: What do you need money for?
Boy: I need to buy Creamit Monkey* some ice cream and chocolate. He's been very helpful.
Me: Really? How has he been helpful?
Boy: Uuuummmmm. Weeellll. He is waiting for his ice cream and chocolate.
Me: Hmmmm.
Boy: Briiiing briiing. Briiiiing briiiiing. [mimes picking up a phone] Oh, it's Creamit Monkey and he is waiting for his ice cream and chocolate. I have to go and buy him some.
Me: Ok.
Boy: But I need more money first!
Me: [sigh] Maybe you could do some chores to earn money. You know, like daddy goes to work to earn money.
Boy: Oh yes. I would be happy to earn some money. [goes to computer desk and starts thumping on the keyboard] See. Mummy I am earning money now!
* My best attempt at transliteration