I gonna teach Justababy how to eat. You just put it in and vomit it all out again.
When I was a baby, I vomited all over the place. It went out of my mouth and smashed through the window.
Actually, Boy wasn’t much of a chucker. Justababy, on the other hand, seems to like a good projectile vomit. (I do not.) The frequency of upchucks has decreased with time, but the introduction of solid food seemed to bring it out of her again. ;) As did a recent illness. I even tried giving her some medicine... which she promptly spewed up, along with everything else in her gut.
Boy has a medical kit and likes to use it. Around the time Justababy was sick, he gave me a checkup and some ‘special’ medicine to help me recover.
Here you go mummy, it’s vomititup medicine.
There you go.
Go on. You have to vomit it up mummy.
Vomit mummy!
[puke sound]
That’s good. Now you all better.